Film Locations in Rio de Janeiro

How to film in Rio de Janeiro, producers may ask.

And Fixer Brazil knows the answers.

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We have been shooting in Rio de Janeiro for more than 20 years, either for TV shows such as NBA’s Basketball Without Borders, or branded content films such as’s project for Peugeot 2008 with Ricardo Zonta.

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Fixer Brazil was in charge of full service production also for documentaries and internet content films.

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Each location requires specific knowledge to deal with permits, local contacts, image rights and many other details regarding filming in Rio de Janeiro.

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Recentely we’ve worked for a US production company filming a comercial forAtlas Standard, a new high-tech performance menswear line.

Check out more information on Christopher Slayer’s website.

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Althoug the city is used to film productions everyday, there are challenges from logistics to security, and we know the paths to get your production donne.

If you need to film in Rio de Janeiro, just contact us.

The Fixers!
We are filmmakers and we love to help.

IMG_6462Tomaz Cavalieri.
Journalist and filmmaker.

capa_renato_cel_itatiaiaRenato Falzoni.
Documentary Filmmaker and producer.

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Learn more about:
Permits for Filming in Brazil;
Business Visa when filming in Brazil;
Customs clearance – admission of filming equipment in Brazil.